Worn out and Knackered ...

Sometimes you feel it...just a little worn out and knackered...

Even the Queen and Paddington felt it after all the celebrations.

Some things can be revived with a good soak...

Other times you just need to curl up with a good book and let the day slide by...

This is not a pace anyone can keep up ...

Sometimes it is okay to just be a bit weary from it all...

Hiding out quietly is always a help ...

Resting is rejuvenating...

There are times even Piepie can't hold her head up ...

Memories can exhaust and exhilarate us at the same time...

But curling up for a little r and r is sometimes all we need.
Cheers, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild-author: The Nantucket Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa.
The Midwest Series: Estate of Mind, Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations 4 book collection.
join me at Facebook group: Drink Tea and Read Books. Tell me about a book you are reading or writing, find new ones to try.
Facebook: Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
twitter: jacquelinefairc
Linked in: Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
Actor: American Immersion Company and The Murder Mystery Company Grand Hotel Mackinac Island . youtu.be/CO5bCckAEUs