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Crown time...

Dear Friends, I suggest, just for a day, ok part of a wear a crown. A tiara. You will feel like Royalty. You will feel that tad of glam you know you will hold your head higher and forget--well, everything you want to forget.

I don't want to hear why you shouldn't. I am just saying give it a try. Not just because of the Coronation but that is as good a reason as any.

Don't fight this...just put one on. Even from the dollar store. Yes.

It will change you --it is an Estate of Mind.

Go glitz...

Or try one of those new headbands that are very crown like in feeling...and maybe just a little more subtle. You will still feel good. Better than good.

Do you have a vintage one you can slip on for a few minutes?

Yes you can print this on card stock and hold it up, simply because not only will you have the crown feeling, you will have the Queen feeling. And we all miss her...

Give it a try...after all, doing 7 impossible things before breakfast always helps everything.

Cheers, Jacqueline

Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild

Actor: American Immersion Theater.

Drink Tea and Read Books Facebook

ps You're welcome.



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