Easter Hats

Dear Friends: I love hats, but at Easter time they take on a whole new look and meaning. As children we wore hats to church. And not just any hat. An adorned hat.

In the tearoom we had hats that anyone could try on and have their photo taken in. It went without saying the children were the cutest.

I sold hats at the tearoom. These are some of the fabulous Louise Green hats. I now have an assortment at the Painted Tree Lake Zurich (my booth is the Royal booth)

Mary Jane is wearing a vintage hat that has been embellished. Looking for hats at flea markets and antique shows is a great way to add to a collection.

I am a cast member of Grand Hotel Mackinac Island's annual murder mystery. I always feel hats make the outfit.

Another Murder Mystery picture.

Murder Mystery...

Grandma's and granddaughters...

Best Friends...

Small hats with trim...


And my friend Louise who posed as Auntie Clara on my Scrap Book trilogy cover Creating Memories. She will always be Auntie Clara...
Cheers and happy Easter.
Put on a hat, it will change you.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild-author (Amazon.com)
Drink Tea and Read Books Facebook
Actor: American Immersions Theater. Youtu.be/CO5bCckAEUs