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Today is National Garden Day

Dear Friends, Today is National Garden Day and from where I live in Chicago it is still too chilly to actually garden. True I have picked up twigs and brought out a few of my beloved (and could be described as tacky) ornaments, but it is really just not time yet. So I am celebrating with garden books. And this is a favorite.

Sometimes it just takes one small idea from a book to get you started...

I am a big fan of the divided beds and in my new garden I am creating this year (no this is not it) I have followed this example of divided beds.

The spring bulbs probably are the best encouragement to go forward and plant annuals and other what I call temporary plants. I have saved my zinnia seeds from last year because they not only made a great show, they are very easy.

Borders are my favorite, because they are contained. You know where to work and where to stop.

Some of you may recognize the New Dawn roses from my old tea room. I started some here in my new house last summer. I have great hopes for them. They are truly fragrant and very full. And repeat bloomers, always a nice bonus.

Sometimes when gardening seems overwhelming I add a few pots, hanging or sitting. I get a lot of effect and rather instant results.

I am constantly looking for carefree roses. Last fall I put in some Knock Outs. I am anxious to see how carefree they are.

I know Foxgloves are a biannual but they are so magical...

When ever you can outline an area or a path you have an instant garden...

Garden gloves after a good washing...

If you love flowers indulge in a pot or too. Try some easy seeds like zinnias or marigolds. Most of the nurseries make it very easy to simply purchase and slip something in the ground. And until it warms up, curl up with a good garden book.

Happy National Garden Day.

Cheers, Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild

join me on my facebook group Drink Tea and Read Books.

All my books are on Amazon at Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild



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