#Tea with the Queen
Yes Dear Friends, It's cold out, time for some hot tea...Why not join the Queen or be the Queen... and have a hot cuppa

Yes, just a little bit silly, a Queen mask...also a little bit spooky.

The Queen drinks #Yorkshire Gold Tea, a robust, never bitter black tea loaded with caffeine. But there are so many great teas out there to try....

It's cold out side, nothing like a pot of hot tea to take the chill off....

And before you know it you'll be seeing tea up in the clouds...

There's no wrong time to have a quick cup...

Think like the Brits and take a moment out of your day for a cup of tea...

You will feel like royalty or the Queen herself.

But if the Queen isn't your cup of tea, I guarantee a tea break will make you feel great--maybe like a goddess.
Cheers, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa, The Mermaid Mansion and The Antique Bride and Groom ( Both coming soon)
The Midwest Series: Estate of Mind, Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations 4 book series.
all on Amazon under Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
join me on Teatimewithhermajesty.com
Facebook group: Drink Tea and Read Books
Facebook: Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
Actor: #American Immersion Theater, The #Murder Mystery Company, #Grand Hotel Mackinac Island troupe. youtu.be/CO5bCckAEUs
to be interviewed on my site please email your request to jackiegillam@frontier.com. Put interview request in subject line