
Dear Friends, Some of you may know that I recently moved to the Chicago area. One of the first things my husband did for me as a treat was get us a family membership to the Chicago Botanica Gardens. I was beyond thrilled as I play in the garden and am in the process of starting a new garden, so I run over often for inspiration. Their formal gardens are unreal but they also have special shows, and we were lucky enough to visit the Orchid Show.
The Orchid Show started on February 12 and ran through March 27th.

First of all I was shocked beyond words to see the variety of orchids on display.

It was billed as 10,000 orchids and I have to say we were stunned by the variety and the numbers...

Our breath was taken away by the presentation. Yes, these are orchids hanging from the ceiling!
The glass houses were chocked full with orchids forming arches you could walk under.

I am partial to pansies--even my dog has a pansy face, so you can imagine my thrill when I saw pansy orchids.

The clusters, which I am sure is not the right word, were unreal...bouquets of orchids growing together.

The colors ran the gambit but this deep coral with shades of salmon was very impressive...it looked like velvet...

One of their features was an old piano with orchids...

They have a little bit of a feel of iris, which is why I grow iris in my garden.

The detail was almost not to be believed...

I am partial to pink and orange--very Coco Chanel!

Taxi Cab yellow, so bright and so beautiful. Often in my garden I underestimate bright yellow, but when I see it growing, I know you get a lot of punch...

As much as I loved one, when I saw them mixed with others I was blown away...

I keep reading that this is the new fashion color for the year...how appropriate!

Variegated anything in the garden world fascinates me...

Possibly this was my favorite with splotches of color on pure white.
Put it on your calendar for next year. We were in California around Valentine's Day and the Huntington Galleries (#Huntingtongalleries) had an orchid exhibit. It was lovely, but nothing compared to the Chicago Botanica Gardens (#chicagobotanicalgarden). I take my hat off to all the hard work that went into the growing, the display and it goes without saying the keeping them looking so perfect. The people who work their really are the heroes. And I might add the gift shoppe out did itself with orchid themed pieces.
I have a couple of wonderful orchids growing in the bay window of our breakfast nook. Per the instructions I give them 3 ice cubes once a week, and they are doing quite well. I got them at a nursery here that I have discovered The Chalet. (#chaletnursery).
I think this dose of gorgeous flowers will help tide me over until I can get in the garden.
Cheers, Jacqueline
ps I am hard at work on a new series...and know when it is ready you will love it. In the mean time The Mermaid Mansion and The Antique Bride and Groom should be here soon.