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National Picnic Day

Dear Friends, I have no idea where these things come from or who decides, but this one appeals to me: National Picnic Day.

Let's face if from the basic to the fancy, it all tastes better outside.

And after a long winter, and now that the grass has greened up, it is a luxury to spend some time outside...

You don't need a fancy picnic basket to haul your treats outside.

The old tin ones are great. I collect them and use them for all sorts of storage because they look so cute. But when it is time to eat outside, I empty one out...

Of course there are very fancy picnic baskets. Fortnum and Mason make some hampers that are over the top!! I honestly am not sure why I never dragged one back with me when I would be over there, except possibly I was dragging back tons of other must have things...

Sometimes there is a place so irresistible you want to linger, maybe have a snack...or a picnic.

There are times you want to include a lot of people and in your own way take it over the top .... people remember events.

Or maybe you just want some quiet time by yourself...

Or your picnic is an excuse to escape with a good book...

Sometimes packing a book is as important as packing your snacks.

Or your computer. Work is sweeter outside...

Maybe elaborate is what you had in mind...

Or a bit of a romantic hideaway...

You deserve an escape...

Even a simple one...

Maybe you want to make somewhere special a destination. #bigcedarlodge

Or simply be in your own yard.

You can run in and get great take away. #puckets

Things look different when you take the time to be outside...

Regardless what you do, enjoy today. We waited all winter for lovely weather.

Cheers, Jacqueline

Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild-author:

The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series, The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations 4 Book Series, Make Me Over, Estate of Mind. All on Amazon.

Actor: American Immersion Theater, The Murder Mystery Company Grand Hotel Mackinac Island.

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