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Must read author: Gloria E. Taylor

Dear Friends: I would like you to meet an exciting author I just met: Gloria E. Taylor.

Gloria, welcome. Can you tell my readers what you write?

First, thank you Jackie for having me. I mostly write Contemporary Interracial Romance. One of my novel’s SURRENDER MY HEART is about an African American couple, but all the others are interracial romances.

What are your stories about?

The stories vary from real-life issues to visions from my imagination. They depict greed, abuse-physical and emotional, murder, jealousy, risks, sacrifice, trust/distrust, forgiveness, unconditional love, loyalty. I try to make the stories realistic, but also intertwine with a touch of fantasy and intrigue.

Who would like them? And by that I also mean can a young girl in her tweens enjoy them? Would a senior woman find she can get lost in them?

The stories are written for adult men/women who enjoy reading sensual contemporary romance. However, a young lady about age 16 could have fun reading them also. I have a couple of senior ladies who told me to hurry up and complete my next novel. They’ve read all the others and thoroughly enjoy the stories.

How many novels do you have?

To date, I’ve written four novels. I’m currently working on A FAIR EXCHANGE.

Do your readers take away a little self-help when they read your books or find inspiration?

Each one of my heroines has been in situations where they’ve had to dig deep and find inspiration, strength to rise above. So yes, the reader will find inspiration/ways to self-help when the need arises.

How is it you are able to inspire your readers through fiction?

My heroes and heroines are faced with real-life issues. Hopefully, the reader can identify with the characters, as they work through their conflict and find inspiration to achieve their own goals.

I love your book covers, where do the ideas come from? Is there a team that works on your art work? Do you have much input into them?

With help from the Killion Group, I design all my book covers based on each story. Once I research my pictures and give them a description of what I want they follow through. I seldom have corrections and if I do, they are done promptly and without fuss. DARE TO LOVE ME was done by someone else.

How about a list of what you have written and maybe some covers so we can get hooked...

I’ve written 4 novels. They are: Desperate Decision

Dare To Love Me

Surrender My Heart

The Lady Mentor

How did you decide to write? Was this a long dream, or have you been writing in one form or another for a very long time?

I enjoy reading. I couldn’t get enough of the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, magazine stories during my high school years. I’d get lost in the imagery, suspense, setting, the characters. From there I developed a love for writing and have been creating stories ever since. However, it wasn’t until after college, that I published my first novel—The Lady Mentor in 2014.

Who inspires you?

As mentioned, before I enjoy reading, so when I outgrew the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books, I started reading Harlequin romance novels and others. I discovered Sandra Brown while talking with my hairstylist. I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve read just about everything she has written. She is my inspiration. Anne Mather, Amanda Quick, Nora Roberts, Joanna Lindsay, Penny Jordon, Tami Hoag, Steven King, John Gresham are authors who also inspire me.

Where are you from? Often I find authors write about areas they live in, sometimes they write about areas way out of their local or comfort zone. What do you do?

I’m originally from Jamaica. I lived in New Jersey for years. Yes, Jamaica is mentioned in one of my stories and many of the settings are in New Jersey.

What about your characters? Are any of them loosely based on people you know? The best or worst of people you have had contact with, or are they simply people you know in your mind and want your readers to know?

The characters are imaginary.

I see you have quite a few for my readers to choose from. Should they start at the beginning, or can they jump in anywhere? What would you like them to read first? I love getting a book as a gift----what title would you recommend they give as a gift?

The reader can choose any one of my novels. They are not in a series. All are stand-alone. Any one of them would be a great gift. I still get hooked on reading the stories.

And what is next? What are you working on now that is not out yet? And what new plans are you mulling around in your mind?

I am currently writing A FAIR EXCHANGE. It is a contemporary interracial romance.

I always like to know one thing my favorite authors are excited about other than their books and their writing? Do you have a special hobby? Crazy group of friends? Close knit family? Place you like to escape to? If you are a cook, what is your specialty and if that is the case, I think we would all love a recipe, especially a dessert one, since I am so obsessed with teatime.

I am married and have two wonderful grandchildren. We live in different states, but I see them almost daily via video. I do enjoy having friends/family over but since COVID-19 all of that cooking and baking have been placed on hold. I like traveling to foreign countries, but I won’t be doing that any time soon. Crocheting helps me to relax. The biggest project I’ve done is a bedspread or it can be used as a table cover. Smaller pieces for tables, I don’t make or use anymore. Something about it being old fashion. Someone told me that. It is sad that such a craft is frowned upon. Gardening has helped me quite a bit since I’m not able to travel like I want to.

Where can my readers find out more about you? Your sites? A newsletter or blog? Where can they find your books?

Readers can find me at, my website at, I write as G.E.Taylor. I would be happy if readers would check out my website and leave me some comments.

Do you talk to groups, churches, ladies’ lunches?

Yes, I do readings/presentations to book clubs, groups. My most recent one was at the NAACP’s Women’s History Month Celebration. For more information, please check out my website at

Do you belong to a writer’s group?

First, I’m a member of Romance Writers of America, Published Authors Network (PAN), and other online groups like Book Snippet, Indie Authors International, The Book Authors Club, All That Romance, and more.

And what would you tell a new writer? Something to keep them going?

The author whom you admire the most, read everything that they’ve written. Look at their style, how the story unfolds, how they handle each character. Talk to someone you trust. Share your fears, desires. Take criticism graciously. Don’t be discouraged. Rome was not built in a day!

And a writer who has been at it, but sometimes finds a block or is stuck? What would you say to them?

REST! Give the writing and yourself a break. Put it down for a week or two, even longer. Don’t think about it. Get involved in another activity. When next you pick it up, your thoughts will be fresh and will flow.

What would you like my readers to know about you that I haven't asked you?

I am a social worker/psychotherapist. I enjoy working with people and have some fond memories that sometimes bring a smile to my face. I like ballroom dancing and I like looking at new houses. Perhaps the heroine in my next novel will do something along those lines.

And now for the important question, since I am an animal lover. Do you have a dog or a pet? If you do, how about a picture.

I love animals and don’t like to see anyone hurt them. At this time, I don’t have a pet.

Gloria, thank you for taking your time today to talk with me.

Readers, I think these might be the stories you have been looking for. Get to know Gloria better through her books.


Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild

Drink Tea and Read Books facebook

facebook: Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild

author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa, and coming soon The Mermaid Mansion and the Reluctant Bride and Groom. The Midwest Series: Estate of Mind, Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations collection of Four.

actor: The American Immersion Theater, Murder Mystery cast member Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island.



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