Hot Dogs!!!!

Dear Friends, My husband LOVES hot dogs! Well, I am pretty crazy for them too...

So I thought I would share some hot dog ideas with you that my friend Sally shared with me...
Toppings for Hot Dog Boards, see attachment:
Relish: Mandatory for its crunch; go for one with extra-chunky texture.
Grainy mustard: More texture and mellower taste than plain yellow.
Grilled onions and bell peppers: Drizzle with Italian dressing and grill in a foil pack.
Chili: Go meat or go home. And if things get a bit soggy? That’s what the bun is for.
Queso: The saucy creaminess makes any dog feel fancy in a way shredded cheese just can’t. (Best part: Whip up a batch as an app with tortilla chips and encourage people to spoon extra on their dogs.)
Guacamole: Mash yours with extra lime; it’ll help cut the fat.
Pineapple salsa: Pineapple, jalapeño, and cilantro—the sweet offsets a salty dog.
Dill pickles: Pile on the chips: The salty, vinegary snap always hits.
Pickled red onions: A flavor bomb: Their tart tanginess wakes up everything.
Of course, you could think even more outside the bun and get inspired with these BLT dogs, mac 'n cheese dogs, or Hawaiian dogs. No matter what toppings you settle on, we recommend rounding out the meal with a giant s'mores board for dessert; no BBQ is complete without one.

Oh yeah...

Cheers, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild-author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa
The Midwest series: Estate of Mind, Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations 4 book collection. All on Amazon.
join me on Facebook group: Drink Tea and Read Books.
Actor: American Immersion Company and Murder Mystery Company Grand Hotel Mackinac Island.