Fall, really my favorite time of year...

Dear Friends, Fall really is my favorite time of year...I just don't think about winter at all. Possibly it is the colors. Orange is exciting, vibrant, and often forgotten. Then fall shows up and it is in our faces, and we can't help but get immersed in it.

If you are lucky enough to get to drive and see fall leaves, well, you are lucky enough...

Places we drive by all year we take for granted until they explode with color...

Even flowers have a different feeling...

I don't have that urge to rake up every leaf...I just enjoy them.

It seems the changing trees compliment all homes...

Get creative and bake a bread bouquet for your fall table...

Even art work takes a bow to fall colors...

The smallest among us embraces fall.

Time to pick them, bake with them and just eat them...

Hope you are enjoying October and all it has to offer. My new book The Mermaid Mansion is finally in final production with plans of coming out for Thanksgiving. I will let you know when it is ready. The cover is being tweaked.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
author: Nantucket Tuck You Inn series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa, The Mermaid Mansion
The Greater Expectations 4 book series: Trish's Story, Maggie's Story, Pandora's Story, Jillian's Story
Greater Expectations
Make Me Over
The Scrap Book Trilogy: Creating Memories, Grand Memories (about the Murder Mystery at Grand Hotel), Charmed Memories.
All on Amazon.
Drink tea and read books Facebook group
Actor The American Immersion Theater, Murder Mystery Troupe Grand Hotel Mackinac Island (murder is the 3rd week of October, hope to see you there)