
Dear Friends, We all fantasize about what it would be like to move. Where would we go? What would we look for in a place to live?

So often we are taken in by the grand estates and castles all over the UK. But when push comes to shove, our hearts fall for a cottage.

There is a coziness to a cottage that gets to our hearts...

Even when we feel we need space we want that tucked in feeling only a cottage can provide.

A thatched roof certainly adds to the story book feel. So does a picket fence and a cottage garden border...

This one is way way way too small for me, yet I would love to sip my morning tea and see it in my backyard...

Water adds an element of charm and beauty. A tranquil feel. Would water add issues? I am quite sure it would, but maybe those are the trade offs for all the charm...

Suddenly charm can also mix in whimsical with this cottage on wheels...

Maybe it is all the attention to details that wins us over...

The idea of stone adds to the appeal...

Or maybe we love the idea of being tucked out of the way...

And maybe we will never own that cottage, but when we see one, we feel something... is proud to offer Rose Cottage tea pot approximately 6 inches tall, from James Sadler England. Quantities are limited. Offered at sale price 59.99 plus postage. Enjoy your own cottage as you sip your afternoon tea and day dream about a real one.

Art work is extremely detailed, front and back differ from each other. Here you can see two dogs under the thatched entry waiting to be let in. A pair of wellies sits by a barrel of flowers, waiting for someone to spare a minute in the garden.
The reverse side shows a goat on a tether but not tied to anything. Possibly the goat wants in or has stopped to taunt the yellow tabby cat in the window. The wheel barrow sits out front ready for someone to tend the garden. And roses grow over the entire little cottage.
The detail of the thatch on the roof is quite lovely, including a squirrel sitting on the chimney.

To purchase Rose Cottage tea pot, kindly contact me through this site or email me at
Cheers to your own cottage, be it real, a day dream, viewed on a drive, or from which you pour your tea.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa, The Mermaid Mansion
The Midwest series: Estate of Mind, Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, the series of 4 Greater Expectations.
14.99 plus postage.
All available from this site personalized. Or from Amazon.