Candy Apple time...

Dear Friends, It is that time of year again...time for candy apples. I seriously love them. And those of you who know me well, know I love all those designer purses out this apples, well, it really calls to me.

But let's face it, chocolate, the more the better. How can you go wrong?

Oh yeah, chocolate and nuts...okay getting even better.

And candy bar bits...

Of course I am weak for anything pretty...and these really are...

These are a little scary but that's good...

I have not had a classic one since I was a child...I am a little afraid of pulling out my fillings, still I can close my eyes and taste them.

What about these outrageous colors?

Or over the top trim?

There is no reason not to go girly...

And I thought you would like this because not only is it EASY but fun. And it gives you a chance to have several types...
No matter what you do, if you make them or go to #Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company to buy them, it is the time of year to indulge. And I like mine with a hot mug of cinnamon spice tea! Enjoy! And let me know if you have some this fall.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild facebook, Drink Tea and Read Books-facebook group,
Pop up shoppe: #Paintedtreelakezurich.
Author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa and coming soon The Mermaid Mansion.
The Midwest Series: The Scrap Book Trilogy, The Greater Expectations Dating Agency series of 4, Make Me Over, Estate of Mind.
All on Amazon.
Actor: The American Immersion Company, The Murder Mystery Company. Murder Mystery Grand Hotel Mackinac Island this Oct 22-24. Hope to see you there.