Butterfly GirlsI love

I love butterflies, the magic of them...the elusiveness. They are here, then they flit on to whatever catches their attention.
This is a very special picture of two little girls who did just that. Today they are actresses and dancers. Grown up. Yet in my mind they are here wearing wings from Her Majesty's. This is a magical moment for me, to see them again as they were, as they are caught in my mind. And to know they have flitted off to become fabulous adults, with outstanding talents.

Moments and memories, dreams and secret thoughts need to be written down before they too flit away.
Offering the very softest of soft faded lavender velvet Magic journal. Lined with a ribbon marker so you can remember where you left off with your magic.
Available from teatimewithhermajesty.com or email me at jackiegillam@frontier.com. sale price of 19.99 plus shipping. Now taking credit cards. Stock is limited, so is the magic.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
actor: the Murder Mystery Grand Hotel October 22-24. Contact Grand Hotel for reservations for a weekend that will change your life on a very c aught in time magical island.
Author: The Nantucket Tuck You Inn Series: Becoming Santa, Looking for Santa, and coming soon The Mermaid Mansion
The Mid-west Series: Estate of Mind (Where it all began...) Make Me Over (for all your make overs...) The Scrap Book Trilogy, Creating Memories, Grand Memories (taking place at the Grand Hotel Murder Mystery), and Charmed Memories. The Greater Expectations Series of Four: Trish's Story, Maggie's Story, Pandora's Story and Jillian's Story.
Great escapes for yourself or a friend. If you would like an autographed copy please contact me. Other wise all are available on Amazon under Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild
Enjoy these warm days and look for butterflies in your yard. I have recently moved, as many of you know, and have started a butterfly garden with great sweeps of Monarda in deep pink and rich fuchsia, Tansy and Cat Mint to attract the butterflies.