Shooting Stars...

Do you follow the stars? I do, but then again I am a Pisces and it is easy for me to believe. I believe in all sorts of things including wishing on the first star of the night. For those of you who stop in the tea room I usually wear a star around my neck--the wishing star. It is easy to believe in faeries and rainbows and all the magic of nature around us...
Yesterday was Perseids-a meteor shower. A meteor shower is basically shooting stars streaking through the night sky.

In my novels I seem to repeatedly describe one of my favorite legends. If you are lucky enough to be walking along the ocean at night and see a shooting star, follow it with your eyes as it disappears in the water. And if you look down and just happen to see a star fish, grasp it and throw it with all your night back into the black sky, and your star will return to the heavens.

Now at Her Majesty's...
I always wish on the first star, the lonely one that seems to fill the sky by itself. Or the first star to come out--the impatient one that just wants to get a jump on the evening... But if you wish on a shooting star, well, I believe there is more power ...

Embroidered sign at Her Majesty's...
That first star is usually just waiting for you to look up...

Limited beautiful orbit handbag. $199.00 by special order. 9 inches across--big enough for everything. A shoulder strap . Stunning with denim or glitz. Black leather and sequins, stones and glitter. Call to order. 309-243-8322.
Wishing on a star might be just what you need...
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Greater Expectations

Her Majesty's English Tea Room
211 N. 2nd Street, Dunlap, Ill 61525