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Sweets and Snacks Show

We are just back from the annual Sweets and Snacks Show! As you can see I met Jelly Belly!

Oh no! I don't remember exactly who this was!

Of course I know who this is! M ! We were excited to try the new M and M flavor-Nutella! Unreal!

I am weak for gummies! Even this big green one!

Haribo gummies are some of my favorites! And a chef from Haribo was there carving these watermelons!

The Haribo Bear!

One more because we were so impressed! We tried a ton of new things (okay mostly chocolate---) and we placed a ton of new orders for items for the store and tea room! Can we eat too much chocolate? The answer is yes! We really can! But it was all unbelievable!

Many of you may know I love pop corn, but not just any popcorn, I LOVE Jolly Time Popcorn and was lucky enough to meet the Jolly Time guys! It truly pops up gigantic all the time! It is without question the best pop corn made! You will not be disappointed! I simply put enough olive oil in a big pot to cover the bottom and then some, put in 3 kernels--when they pop I know the oil is hot so I spill in enough to cover the bottom and then maybe another 2 layers! Put the lid on, shake the pan a bit and there it is! The best popcorn on earth! Jolly Time! You'd think I sell it I love it so! I don't. And how do I know it is the best? Once I tried many other brands, one right after the other until I found Jolly Time!

It was a great show! 7 acres of Snacks and Sweets and I swear we inhaled many of them! But when we got home we wanted a sandwich!

Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Greater Expectations.

Her Majesty's English Tea Room

211 N.2nd Street

Dunlap, Ill 61525


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