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Strawberry Chocolate Tea!

Take two of my favorite things--chocolate and strawberries and put them in tea. Magic! Shown with our English Strawberry jam from Chivers. This is a tea we are now serving in the tea room...

If you love strawberries as much as we do, why not try growing them! We have fought the bunnies enjoying our strawberries before we could until we started planting them in baskets!

Planning a special dinner? Maybe an elegant luncheon? Why not make a strawberry short cake and pair it with chocolate strawberry tea?

Over sized strawberry top at Her Majesty's..


Strawberry dress...

twirl skirt...

Skirt from our Effie's collection...

Take your tea time up a notch with a beautiful bone china English Strawberry Tea Pot--Available at Her Majesty's.

Enjoy strawberries while they are just starting to be at their best.

Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Greater Expectations

Her Majesty's English Tea Room

211 N. 2nd Street

Dunlap, Ill 61525


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