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Murder Mystery Grand Hotel

Sunrise on Mackinac Island, the beginning of a perfect Murder Mystery at Grand Hotel 2018 ...

There is no where as elegant and lost in time as Grand Hotel Mackinac Isla

nd, the perfect place to commit a murder--maybe even two! Murder Mystery Weekend is always the 3rd weekend in October. If you missed this year's murder, plan on next won't regret it.

The cast are all member of the Murder Mystery Company, pictured here with our leader Scott. If you cannot make it to the Grand, contact the Murder Mystery Co. and book a murder near you...

And as all the excitement begins...Justin Issa with Michael Spellman

Mrs. Peacock getting ready to wow the guests...

The theme was the Billionaire's Masquerade Ball. Some of the masks worn...

And some of our masked cast...Michael Spellman and Justin Issa.

Here I am with actor Billie who played Reed Diculous!

The stunning parlor at Grand Hotel where guests could interrogate the suspects!

Three of our cast members: the very talented Emily, Micaela, and Falecia

Jerry was the butler...who wouldn't want to be with the butler?

Dr Feelgood (Michael Spellman) being teased by Micaela and Falecia.

Dr. Feelgood's lab coat....

I was a killer, just not THE killer. But my necklace certainly was killer ...

And I made the cover of People (see the bottom corner...)

This is Peacock Alley, the foyer to the Terrace Room night club. A big band plays nightly starting at 9:30 and our detective Peter Ness tosses our guests a few clues...

Emily Frew with Jerry the butler and me wearing the very heavy necklace...

Michael Spellman taking a horseback ride. If you join us on the island, plan on going horseback riding...

One of our guests John who was recruited to portray Enrique the playboy billionaire from Mexico. Thanks John!

Falecia with me on the longest porch. The weather is cool and crisp in October-perfect actually.

The guests are very involved ...

Part of the gorgeous parlor, leading to the dining room. Because we joke all stops for the unreal meals at the Grand Hotel.

The desserts are not to be believed...

Murder is serious!

But it is also fun...

So is Billie's suit...

The Grand has a beautiful florist...

All the rooms are over the top designed by the very talented Carlton Varney.

Here I am with the very talented Michael O'Hair

And with the dashing butler...

As the sun sets on Mackinac Island and we end another outstanding murder, Jerry and I invite you to join us next year to be part of the best weekend of your life! Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--The Murder Mystery Company. Author: Greater Expectations

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