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New Brit Groceries! Open House Dec 2

We just unpacked a huge shipment of British groceries from the UK for the holidays and are so excited, we wanted you to know some of what is here.

Quality Street are individually wrapped assorted Brit chocolates! They are so delicious, they melt in your mouth! In the traditional purple carton---a must.

New shortbread-Orange and Chocolate Chunk is buttery rich with just enough orange to kick it up. Raspberry and White Chocolate--perfect. Also pictured our Union Jack napkins are back just in time for holiday entertaining!

Christmas Preserves make the perfect gift! The packaging is lovely with paper lids. And of course maybe you need a jar for your Christmas morning scones and toast!

We love Guinness and even offer some Guinness rugby shirts. But these little chocolate pints are really too good to describe! Yet to come, Guinness Hot Chocolate!

Nothing says Christmas like Plum Pudding! And English Privilege is the Rolls Royce of Plum Puddings! Perfect in every way. Why not add a Brit tradition and steam a plum pudding this year? Easy to prepare in the micro wave. I like to decorate with a sprig of Holly from my garden. Just before I serve it I pour my best brandy over it and light it with a match! I like to offer my guests clotted cream to top it off.

Of course we have a wide selection of Plum Pudding for you to choose from. And sizes. Sometimes I will steam a smaller one even if I know not many of my guests want to eat it, because I love the drama of the presentation.

Just another of our selection.

Clotted cream is made when the whole milk simmers on the Aga and the heaviest of the cream rises to the top, or clots at the top. It is the richest and best of all cream. Used on plum pudding, in many recipes, with scones, on muffins, or simple for spreading on strawberries!

British fudge is not like our American fudge. It is denser, richer. And this is made with clotted cream so it is even more over the top!

If you like a rich buttery English Biscuit (cookie) then I believe you will fall in love with our Clotted Cream biscuits! Thin, crisp and oh so rich.

Lemon curd is a rich lemony spread for your scones, toast, to dip strawberries, fill between layers of a cake or just eat with a spoon. It is fluffy, if that makes sense, tangy and sweet at the same time. And we feel Mrs. Darlington's is the best made.

My new series Greater Expectations is finally here! Give yourself the gift of a tender escape. We will be celebrating my new novels and the holidays at our party open house Sunday Dec 2 from 12-4pm here at the tea room. We hope you can stop in! Jacqueline

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