
September ... finally. I know it is still hot out and that our air conditioner is still roaring, but there is something about September that makes me think ahead to fall--one of my favorite times of the year. Maybe it is the fact that school is back in that says to me, let's let summer go, let's think ahead.

Yes it is a little early for sweater weather but we are getting gorgeous new pieces in here at the tea room and I am ready to pack up my sundresses...

I'm ready to dig up bits of the garden that for whatever reason didn't live up to my expectations, and think fall flowers...

Time for apples now that they are at their best! There are so many places to pick or buy apples but I am waiting until the 30th for the Clinton Pork and Apple festival! We have not gone before but it comes highly recommended with antiques, crafts and of course apples!

And of course fall (even though it really isn't really here yet) means tea time.
Time to think ahead...
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Make Me Over, Greater Expectations (coming soon)
Open house here at the tea room Nov 4 (Sunday) 12-4pm