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What's on your night stand?

I love tea and books! Many of you know that Jerry and I own and run Her Majesty's English Tea Room. And many of you know that I am a writer. But I am also a big reader! I read to unwind at the end of the day and there is always a stack of books on my night stand, waiting for me. Waiting to take me away for a few minutes, sometimes hours, before I drift off.

So to me the perfect way to end the day is with a cup of herbal tea like Taylor's Blackberry Raspberry and a good book. Right now on my night stand is Andy Zach's newest novel Paranormal Privateers.

What do you read to escape?

At the end of the day when you trundle up to bed, what books are on your night stand? Let me know. We can all discover new great books from each other.

Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Make Me Over, Estate of Mind, The Scrap Book Trilogy and coming soon--Greater Expectations.

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