Bunnies ...

I really love bunnies. There is something so soft and cuddly about them and then again they say spring and Easter to me. And after a long gray winter, that is the sweetest message out there.

Jerry and I had a pet rabbit at one time. Oddly it was more loving and fun than you would think. I have switched to dogs but still have fond memories of our rabbit.

I like rabbits and bunnies as a theme. And these old embroidered tea towels scanned into gift cards are a charming way to say spring.

And then there is the bunny cake. Honestly this one is almost too cute to cut...

But the classic coconut bunny cake is really pretty easy to make and not only delicious, but very cute.
So think bunnies and think spring.
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Make Me Over, Estate of Mind, The Scrap Book Trilogy

And come join us in the tea room and see how we are jumping into spring!