New at Her Majesty's ...

We have been holding our breath waiting for this new order of dresses (and skirts) from one of our favorite manufactures. I just finished steaming them and they are fabulous! Notice the cut out on the black and white dress to the left? The polka dot dress has the greatest hem line! No reason you couldn't add a thin tee shirt underneath this ...

I love stripes and am crazy about this dress! And pockets--honestly, why don't all clothes have pockets?

This skirt is so much fun with the insets in the hem. I can't wait to try one on!

As you can see we carry a variety of sizes...

Perfect with our red coral and onyx necklace

Shown with our imported black heart purse and our black and white starfish and coral necklace.
Hope you will stop in and try some on!
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Make Me Over (and day now...), Estate of Mind, The Scrap Book Trilogy.