Today is National Pie Day! Who knew?

Today is National Pie Day. Seriously, I believe we should all have pie for dinner tonight. Cherry is a real favorite of mine, but is there pie out there that I do not love? I don't think so.

And then there is apple pie. Warm from the oven...maybe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. As a young girl I never quite got the slab of cheddar cheese with apple pie, but somewhere along the line I tried it and I love it. I think the best apple pie always uses a mix of apples. The flavors play off each other...but is there an apple pie I would not swoon for right now? Of course not.

This is Pie our relatively new puppy. I need to post some newer pictures as we have chubbied her up. We named her Piewacket, a corruption of the Pywacket in one on my favorite movies with Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart--Bell, Book and Candle. But for what ever reason, we just call her Pie. So in honor of the national holiday and our pup, I think Jerry and I have pie in our future for dinner tonight.

We brought Pie with us when I had a book signing at I Know You Like A Book in the heights. She behaved (!) and was a bigger hit than my books. My new novel Make Me Over is due in soon and I will be having another party at I Know You Like A Book. I will let you know when it is scheduled. In the mean time maybe you need to stop out and pick up a pie...
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Make Me Over, The Scrap Book Trilogy, Estate of Mind