Creating Memories, Book One of the Scrap Book Trilogy...

I am a scrapbook-er. Oh,not a tidy one. Quite the contrary. As a matter of fact sometimes little bits and pieces collect for awhile before I sit down and put them in my scrap book. And sometimes I put them in with such enthusiasm there is no real rhyme or reason--but they are all captured. Remembered.
I love scrap booking so much I was compelled to write not one but three stories about the art of scrap booking. The Scrap Book Trilogy. I would like to introduce you to Creating Memories, the first in my trilogy, and Auntie Clara.
Auntie Clara is old, very old. Still she is an avid scrapbook-er. But her scrap book is a notch up from mine. Seems whatever she puts in her scrap book happens. When the initial shock wears off the first thing she does is get a new frock,and hat. Then she ups her stock portfolio, finds herself an old brownstone to live in. But eventually she wants what we all want--family. And she lures her great niece from NYC to the middle of no where.
Follow Auntie Clara as she learns just because you can get what you want, you can't always control it. I am sure you will fall in love with Creating Memories and want to follow onward to Grand Memories and Charmed Memories.
Available now on Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Select, and Her Majesty's English Tea Room And if you are a fellow scrapbook-er, let me know. Warm regards,
Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild