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The Scrap Book Trilogy by Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--now out...

I am very excited to let you know that my new trilogy is out-- The Scrap Book Trilogy: Creating Memories, Grand Memories, and Charmed Memories. Available now on Amazon, Kindle and Kindle Select. My shipment will be here at Her Majesty's English Tea Room in about 2 weeks. If you are a librarian and would like free copies for your library just call Create Space (my printer) and request them. Let me tell you a little bit about these stories:

This is my back cover of the first in the trilogy: Creating Memories. The story is tender, humorous and just a little bit magical. I would like you to meet Auntie Clara--the quintessential Great or possibly Great Great Auntie you all wish you had. In fact she is my husband's Jerry's auntie who took me into the family as a new bride and was always there with a hug and a shrewd observation.

People who know Jerry and me know we have been members of the Murder Mystery cast at Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, for many years. Not only is this a fun part of our lives, it is an honor to be part of such a fabulous establishment once a year. Grand Memories is book two in my trilogy. And very aptly takes place not only at the fabulous Grand Hotel but during their iconic Murder Mystery. I am sure you will love it. And for those who have never made the trip to Grand Hotel, consider this your arm chair visit. This is the back cover of Grand Memories.

This is the back cover of Grand Memories. Come with me to the Grandest of all historic hotels and settle in for a delightful story full of surprises and a little bit of magic. Follow Auntie Blanchie as she gets the nerve up to introduce herself to her granddaughter Coco. And slip into the world of fashion design today and of course way back in the 1920's!

Charmed memories closes my Scrap Book trilogy. But I can guarantee you will meet many of these people again and again. As a matter of fact, many of your favorites from my first novel Estate of Mind are here in this trilogy, just so you can see what they have been up to.

Charmed memories is not only Auntie Bertie's story, but the story of the famed Bootles jewelry dynasty in the UK, and her granddaughter Dee, charm maker. Yes, we do carry the charms from this story here at Her Majesty's...

We just felt that if there were magical charms out there, we should have them here at the tea room. ( Including the faerie bell to summon the faeries.)

This story is also about gem stones. Gem stones have their own language just as flowers do. One lonely gem jeweler gives the reader an inside glimpse at the very meaning of gem stones and the powers they have when held tightly in your hand or worn.

Charmed memories takes you to the great trade shows across America, over the pond to Ballater, Scotland, the Queen's country, and then returns you the middle of the middle of no where with a stop off at a ritzy Chicago suburb. This is a tender journey and I hope you will take it with me as I close the cover on my scrap book.

I have included a sneak preview at the end of Charmed Memories for Make Me Over. An adventure about the newest of Bachelorette's...but this one is a true workaholic in her 40's!

This is the back cover of Charmed Memories. I hope you enjoy my new trilogy. I do have some lovely totes here at Her Majesty's. If you purchase the set, I will let you select one and put your new books in them. I hope you can stop by and visit with me here at Her Majesty's about my stories, or simply join us for tea.

Warm regards,


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