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Her Majesty's English Tea Room Garden

Jacqueline  Gillam Fairchild--author: Estate of Mind

Our roses are blooming here at Her Majesty's! Hope you will stop by and sit out front and enjoy our garden. Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Estate of Mind

The Allium are just finishing up. Pretty soon we will spray paint the dry heads

We grow Swiss Chard just because it is so pretty. I don't have the heart to cut it and eat it! Maybe I'll get some at the market.

Because we are so in love with roses we started growing purple cabbage. As it gets bigger, it will look like a gigantic rose. And I hate to admit it, but we will not cut it and eat it. The faerie with wings is a new pick we have for sale. There is another variety but I think it is hidden by the cabbage.

This is one of my favorite roses--New Dawn. A couple of years ago we lost all of ours and had to replant.( Normally very hardy, we had a winter that got warm and then cold). These plants cover our arbor and are about 3 years old. They are ever bloomers so if we dead head faithfully we will have roses all summer. We buy our roses from the Antique Rose Emporium in Texas. They arrive potted, guaranteed and well, they are superior to any other rose grower we have ever found.

We try to keep our Johnny Jump Ups in a shady spot because they really do not like the heat.

Another one of Jerry's Scottish garden signs.

I think this shows how happy the New Dawn roses are. Hope you will stop by. j

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