Packing for Murder...

We are packing for the Grand Hotel Murder Mystery. And it is rather shocking what all I think I need to bring... And of course Jerry has his tux and a few items I have saved room in the endless luggage for.
Hats, of course, and retro 1940's dresses. Hose with seams thanks to Nordstroms.
Heels and semi heels for when the heels give out and flats for when the semi heels give out.
Make up--I tend to use far far too much.
And all those exotic accessories that just make the look!
We are sure this will be Grand Hotel's most exciting murder yet. And we hope to see you there. Oct 21-23.
Our favorite time on Mackinac Island. The air is crisp and yet the flowers are all still in bloom. And for just a very short time, we can all go back in time. And of course...murder someone.