Hanging flower baskets ...
We had a tiny snow shower yesterday so I guess it is still too early to work in the garden. But that doesn't mean I can't plan for some hanging baskets. They seem to be an easy way to get a lot of punch and color. And somehow, they are easier to maintain than the entire garden...

I love the idea of simple white with a white porch.

Nasturtiums are very easy to grow. I tend to soak the seeds for a day before I plant them. The flowers are edible and at times we have put them on the tea trays at Her Majesty's. They tend to keep blooming all summer, which to my way of thinking is a real plus.

I love sweet potato vines and have always just picked up my plants at the nursery. But this year I have started a few sweet potatoes in glass jars to see if I can get them to sprout. The yellow green color almost glows at night. This is a great stand alone plant (and very hardy...) or beautiful mixed in with other plants.

How lovely is it to mix a couple of vibrant colors? Often these mixed baskets are all made up at the nursery just waiting for you to take home. And there is that instant garden thing about purchasing a beautiful hanging basket already established.

Wave petunias really do produce gorgeous cascading baskets. I look for them every year because they are so dramatic.

Don't be afraid to mix it up. If one of your plants doesn't make it or doesn't like playing with other plants, don't be afraid to yank it out and slip in a new one. The mixed garden look is really very impressive.

I am crazy for morning glories but Jerry constantly reminds me the flowers open and look their very best in the morning. Still...all that blue is hard to resist. And the seeds are a snap to plant.

Who says all hanging baskets need to hang? This is an old lamp base. An old bird bath also makes a great base. And then you can spot your arrangement where it is needed most, especially if there is no where to 'hang' a basket.

Not all hanging baskets need to be flowers. How tempting is this basket of strawberries? And it has the plus of being up where the bunnies can't nibble on the berries!
Just remember all hanging baskets need a little water every day. They tend to dry out faster than plants you put in the ground. But with a little attention you can make some dramatic additions to your garden. Jacqueline

Let's face it, if this helps with the watering, it is worth the extra step.

All work and no play? Don't forget to take a little time to enjoy a cup of tea in your garden! j