New at Her Majesty's...

Just unpacked: Clotted cream! And Clotted cream biscuits! Buttery short bread disks made with clotted cream! As if short bread needed to be made richer...
Lemon Curd biscuits and of course more lemon curd... Farmhouse Priory rumble Biscuits! Beautifully packaged! I like to put a jar of clotted cream out (as is) on a platter surrounded by strawberries and clotted cream biscuits. Easy and elegant. Of course clotted cream is best when slathered on warm scones...
I do the same with lemon curd. Just open the jar and set in the center of your platter to use as a dip for fruit or spread for biscuits. An easy way to have tarts-just fill prebaked shells or sponge shells. A dollop of clotted cream on top wouldn't hurt either. My mother used to eat it by the spoonful...
Quality Street cartons of fine chocolates! A true Brit tradition! Black Magic chocolates! All dark and fabulous (Ok I opened a box but just to make sure they were as good as I remembered...)
Our newest collectors tin of shortbread this year (well there are two) is a die cut Black Scotty-darling. One goes home with me tonight for my collection and a 3D pillar box-fabulous.
Heinz Baked Beans- eat them over toast like the Brits. They really are better-they say it is their water and their tomatoes...I have no idea but I love them. And we have banger and English back bacon in our freezers...just in case you want an easy meal.
More party crackers. Traditionally placed right on the dinner plate. Before the meal begins you yank the ends and pull them apart. And they make a cracking noise (hence the name crackers). Inside is a paper crown (even the Queen wears hers), a joke or saying and a small prize. No one can remain offish at your table after they have pulled apart their crackers. Everyone takes turns reading their joke or saying and the party really begins. A great Brit tradition. Try it. They are not only fun they dress up your table.
More cookbooks-we have tons this season. But these are Brit so they are extra special. Stop in, more (of course) to come.