Summer time-we wait all year...
The heat of summer--we wait all year. Enjoy it! It doesn't last nearly long enough. Jacqueline

Finalist-Retailer of the Year ...
Jerry and I are thrilled to have been named national finalists in the Gift and Decorative Accessories Retailer of the Year event! Thank...

Beach Time...
Time to find a great beach and enjoy this beautiful summer weather! Jacqueline

Plan a trip...
Plan a little escape. It's always fun to be gone...and to come home. Jacqueline

Happy Father's Day
Here's to strong good men, raising strong good men. Happy Father's Day. Jacqueline

Garden at Her Majesty's ...
Our garden here at the tea room. This year we decided to plant purple cabbage and are amazed how huge they are. The roses on our new...

Chocolate Tea! New at Her Majesty's!
I love chocolate ... and I love tea! What a perfect combination! Strawberry Chocolate--think chocolate dipped strawberries in a cup!...

Tea in the garden ...
Have tea in the garden--just a little break. Jacqueline