New at Her Majesty's...
We have been busy here at Her Majesty's opening new treats, remodeling and thinking about spring...Jacqueline

Fondulac Library book signing--Saturday, Jan 21 1-4pm
I hope you can join me and many other local authors this Saturday afternoon at Fondulac Library for a book signing. Everything begins at...

Cold and rainy ...
IN It's cold and rainy out--a good day to stay in with a hot cup of tea and a new book...Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: Estate of ...

Looking for Spring...
Anything that inspires spring catches my eye. This is a lovely hand stitched detail from a quilt! I can almost inhale the flowers......

A cup of tea and day dreams of London...
On a dreary day like today maybe all you need is a cup of tea...and day dreams of London. Jacqueline

Today is National Glazed Doughnut Day!
(could I make this up?) Well, this is my weakness. Maybe I have said that before, about other sweets and treats, but honestly, this time...

Today is National Apricot Day!
Today is National Apricot Day! And let's face it, the apricot is often over looked. Down right forgotten. Yet it is a delicious little...