Grand Hotel Murder Mystery-Oct 20-22
Jerry and I are busy getting ready for this year's fabulous Murder Mystery at Grand Hotel. I believe there are still rooms available if...

New at Her Majesty's!
For you or your chocolate loving friends! This says it all! Stop in to see the whole assortment! Ja cqueline Gillam Fairchild--author:...

Murder is in the air... the weekend of Oct. 20 at Grand Hotel
Have you ever wanted to be part of something completely out of the ordinary? To take a step back in time and become part of a greater...

I Know You Like A Book, book store--thank you
A special thank you to Mary Beth owner of I Know You Like A Book for the great party. Pie loved meeting everyone! Thank you to everyone...

Great Review of Creating Memories
Take three lonely elderly ladies, add a ditzy young woman from a New York advertising firm, and a Californian race car driver, mix in...

The Fabulous Beekman Boys!
I had the great honor of meeting Josh and Brent-the fabulous Beekman Boys at the Country Living Fair in Columbus Ohio, Saturday. They...

Book signing tonight 5-7 at I Know You Like A Book
See you this evening from 5-7 at I Know You Like A Book where I will be signing my new books, introducing Auntie Clara and Piewacket....

Book signing tomorrow evening at I Know You Like a Book, 5-7pm
I will be at I Know You Like A Book tomorrow evening from 5-7pm signing Estate of Mind and my new trilogy The Scrap Book Trilogy. ...

My favorite spatula!
Love this! What else can I say? Now at the tea room... Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: The Scrap Book Trilogy youtu.be/77XxtQ-WQ54

Grandma's Rules ...
Our favorite new dish towel here at the tea room! Says it all as far as I'm concerned! Jacqueline Gillam Fairchild--author: The Scrap...