Copy of Princess Time
Dear Friends, Sometimes you just need to get your Princess on...and that may mean a tiara. Maybe it's time for a new wand ...you know, to...

Princess Time
Dear Friends, Sometimes you just need to get your Princess on...and that may mean a tiara. Maybe it's time for a new wand ...you know, to...

For all the Mom's and people who have acted like Mom's
Remembering Moms that are no longer here. Grateful for ones out there doing the best job they can... From the beginning...Mom was there....

Crown time...
Dear Friends, I suggest, just for a day, ok part of a day...you wear a crown. A tiara. You will feel like Royalty. You will feel that tad...

The Coronation...
Dear Friends, As you can imagine, and feel yourself, the excitement for the Coronation continues. I thought I would share with you some...

Hot Dogs!
It's getting warmer...hot dog season!!!! Read about em .. Go to Superdawg! Do em basic ... Or fancy as in this one from Paris Bistro ......

The Easter Bunny...
Dear Friends: Bunnies...this is the time of year we all love them--Easter. They represent spring and hope and I suppose to a certain...

Easter Hats
Dear Friends: I love hats, but at Easter time they take on a whole new look and meaning. As children we wore hats to church. And not just...

My favorite color...
It really doesn't matter what your favorite color is...it is hard to resist sunny yellow... That color the sky turns just before it turns...

Bunny books...
Dear Friends, There is comfort in vintage books, especially children's stories. Bunny books are great to collect not only for their art...